Happy State Bank

Happy State Bank has such an iconic brand: the name, the logo, the overall ethos of the company. Their culture has created an organization that has grown in size and added dozens of locations, but keeps the feel of a small-town bank where every customer is known by name. So, when they reached out to us to see if we were interested in partnering with them on a project, we leapt at the chance to work with their team.

We created a series of six videos highlighting stories of the history and major milestones of the bank as told by J. Pat Hickman, founder and chairman of the board.

We set out to include a strong nostalgic visual aesthetic that spanned the decades from the bank’s origin to the modern day enterprise it is today. An aesthetic that captured the essence of the Texas Panhandle paired with the open and welcoming atmosphere of the Happy brand. 

The videos we produced were used in a state-wide, internal campaign for employee brand education and new-hire orientation that effectively established Happy State Bank’s inspiring history and friendly work environment.


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Amarillo Hearing Clinic