Mind + Child
Dr. Erin Avirett and Dr. Jordana Mortimer had helped hundreds of families through their child psychology practices. They noticed that the principles they applied in their sessions could universally translate to other families.
![video 01 - introduction.mp4[2022-02-25 13-51-28.838].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62195bc1795e8a1c905ee277/923be4c1-d1f2-443d-be35-70caf8b5f021/video+01+-+introduction.mp4%5B2022-02-25+13-51-28.838%5D.jpg)
![video 05 - the parenting pendulum.mp4[2022-02-25 14-01-17.622].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62195bc1795e8a1c905ee277/f3c33745-982a-4f5f-8fed-a67ae7e106e4/video+05+-+the+parenting+pendulum.mp4%5B2022-02-25+14-01-17.622%5D.jpg)
So they were inspired to create an online educational platform that would provide practical exercises to positively reinforce family relationships.
They approached MAKE with the task of producing their 32-video “Parenting 101” course.
We spent some time researching the market and comparing what Mind & Child wanted with what their competitors had already created. And we developed a plan for their content and a profile of their audience.
We leaned heavily upon Erin and Jordana’s doctoral degrees, as well as their extensive counseling experience, both qualities lacking in their competitors.
We wanted the overall series to have a warm and informative feel. The set and color scheme were designed with these things in mind. We also thought it important that each of these videos be bite-sized to fit in a parent’s busy schedule. And to top it off, we added in a splash of b-roll content to keep the videos entertaining and specifically provide positive examples of what was being taught by Erin and Jordana.
We shot the project over the course of five days. Three days were devoted to the teaching content, and the remaining two days were used to capture all of the b-roll scenes. Each of the families we had the pleasure of working with were wonderful. It made us question the adage “avoid working with animals and children.” We kept our crew relatively light and mobile and captured everything on time and under budget.
The next two and half months were spent in post-production prepping for the launch of their product. We edited, animated, colored, and mastered the project in-house. And we delivered the product on time for their March 1, 2022 release date.